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Yellow Tomatoes

Classic medium  yellows:

Golden Jubilee.  72 days. Indeterminate. Golden orange mild 2 1/2-3 inch size.  AAS Winner.


Lemon Boy . Indeterminate similar but bright yellow. tangy and sweet taste. 


Gold Medal: Very large and more productive than many of the big yellow beefsteaks. Yellow with a touch of pink on the bottom. Superb flavor. One of Dana's all time favorites for its dependability. 

 Pineapple.  85 days.  Indeterminate.  Enormous fruits look like a big yellow beefsteak. Cut into it and it has beautiful pink streaks up through the center. Super sweet and low acid, these grow at least 5 inches across.  This photo shows more red skin than I find in them. Mine usually look more yellow.  An awesome tomato!

Northern Lights.  75 days. Indeterminate.  a bicolor that is earlier than Pineapple with the same luscious sweet.  Size is smaller, only 8-12 oz, making a more modest size. These are fantastic. Very productive. 


Both  of our Bicolors are low acid and very sweet.

 Sungold Hybrid. 57 days. Indeterminate.  WOW!  What a cherry tomato! I simply cannot say enough good things about this little gem.  It is my first tomato ripe and my last tomato in the fall.  They are  super sweet as sugar and are the reason I can't stand to eat cherries and grape tomatoes from the grocery store.

Sunsugar. Hybrid 62 days. Sister to Sungold it is sweeter yet. Perfect gourmet cherry tomatoes.